Seventeen-year-old Jayden lives in the shadow of his father’s NBA dreams. His days are consumed by constant practice as his dad pushes him to reach the same level as his NBA-star cousin, a point guard for the Portland Trail Blazers. However, Jayden has a different dream – to immerse himself in the world of Kung Fu. Despite being the star on the varsity basketball team, his obsession with Kung Fu often leads to eye rolls from his fellow teammates, earning him the nickname “Karate Kid.”
One day after practice, Jayden notices Trinity, a fellow student, practicing martial arts in an empty classroom. Excited to find someone who shares his passion, he begs her to teach him everything she knows. Trinity doesn’t care for Jayden’s ego and refuses. It takes weeks of pleading before she reluctantly brings him to her dojo to meet Master Sonny. He is suspicious at first but agrees to train Jayden. After a rocky start, Jayden’s skills rapidly improve, much to the surprise of Master Sonny.
Executive Producer By
Chris Sharpe
Producer By
Sonny Pabuaya
Written By
Christina Sang
Jacob David Markham
Chris Sharpe
Directed By
Jayden Sharpe
Trinity Pabuaya
Sonny Pabuaya